Now that I have your attention, I feel the need to express that you should read the entire post before judging or forming an opinion. I think you will all agree that at the point it seemed possible that Mr. Barack Obama could actually win the presidential election, YBA (Young Black America) began to think and act differently. My first reaction to the new aura that seemed to be felt by most of the world (but definitely D.C.) was "this is great or horrible." With many people who previously had very little expectations of government finally forming at least a slight interest in the election process, barber shop and corner conversations changed. In fact, there was a large percentage of YBA that had been living "unfulfilled" lives which started thinking about improving themselves. I heard several of the drug-slinging high school drop-out youth in my neighborhood talking about how they had decided to change their ways. Some expressed that for the first time they felt they could actually achieve something. Several expressed their unhappiness with their role in assisting with the rapid downward spiral of urban Black America. Drug dealing, once viewed as the only (at least the easiest) means of employment, was no longer appealing to many of these young men. The affect that Mr. Obama's success had on such a large group of people was frightening. I remember wondering what the response would be if Mr. Obama failed. Would too many people fail to realize that even in defeat there is often a valuable lesson to be learned? Would more people accept the bogus, but common, excuse of not striving for anything because the system is set up to have us fail?
I now want to ask if we are still feeling THE BARACK BUG. Have the masses carried out the plans made during the election season's emotional high? Has anyone stopped selling drugs, attained a G.E.D., continued post secondary education, become a better parent, or kicked that habit? You are foolish if you think President Obama will be judged solely on the decisions made in the Oval Office. He will also be judged (although unfair) on the progress of the previously forgotten society. Yes, the same drug-slinging, high school drop-out, and pregnant teen population referenced earlier. Those that have the ability to offer help to this often ignored group should be judged on the amount of time devoted to these individuals in need. Did all of the newly discovered ambition leave after Inauguration Day?